Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Human Rights And The Rights Essay - 1756 Words
Human Rights Human Rights are a set of rules created to encourage and promote equality. These rules apply to all of us, no matter what race, religion, gender, nationality, language, or any other status. They give us the right to live in safety, the right for an education, and the right to live. Human Rights were agreed by the United Nations over 60 Years ago, and continue to apply to this day, yet some people challenge these rules. Human Rights Activists Human Rights Activists are people who take a stand on problems that go against the Human Rights and bring them to international attention. What are the Human Rights? The Universal Declaration of Human Rights*: 1. We are all free and equal. We are all born free. We all have our own thoughts and ideas. We should all be treated in the same way. 2. Don’t discriminate. These rights belong to everybody, whatever our differences. 3. The right to life. We all have the right to life, and to live in freedom and safety. 4. No slavery – past and present. Nobody has any right to make us a slave. We cannot make anyone our slave. 5. No Torture. Nobody has any right to hurt us or to torture us. 6. We all have the same right to use the law. I am a person just like you! 7. We are all protected by the law. The law is the same for everyone. It must treat us all fairly. 8. Fair treatment by fair courts. We can all ask for the law to help us when we are not treated fairly. 9. No unfair detainment. Nobody has the right to put us in prisonShow MoreRelatedHuman Rights And The Human Right1389 Words  | 6 Pagesallow to certain basic rights in every part of the world. Without consideration of the circumstances, nobody has fairly or righteously impowered to take away these basic rights from ordinary citizens of particular country. The human rights are of different types of rights like, political rights and civil liberty rights. The most significant constitutional human right available to a human being of right to life and physical safety. According to Donnelly and Howard Human rights are the expression ofRead MoreHuman Rights Is A Human Right850 Words  | 4 Pagestheir human rights violated. Human rights range from the right of equality, to the right of marriage, to the right of adequate living and more. Anything humans being deserve is a human right. They can be as extreme as 805 million people living in poverty (Yahoo, Derrius Quarles) or as simple as not being allowed to speak about your religion in a restaurant. Human rights belong to everyone. Whether or not we think it is ethical, almost everyone at one point in their lives will have these rights violatedRead MoreHuman Rights And The Rights949 Words  | 4 PagesHuman has many fundamental rights and freedoms to which all humans considered entitled the right to life, liberty, freedom of thought and appearance, and equal treatment before the law, among others. These rights represent entitlements of the individual or the government, as well as responsibilities of the person and the government authorities’ these rights often advanced as legal rights and protected by the rule of law. However, they are distinct from and before the law, and can be used as standardsRead MoreThe Rights Of A Human Right1037 Words  | 5 Pagessomething to be considered a basic human right, one often looks at all the reasons why it should become one. In some cases however, it can be arg ued that the refusal of something as a human right is actually a violation of already existing human rights. This is the case when discussing PAS/D in reference to becoming a human right. People understand that they have a right to life, liberty and personal security, but nowhere does the charter state people have a right to their own death – not explicitlyRead MoreThe Rights Of Human Rights1211 Words  | 5 Pages The inalienable human rights is something undeniably important in the view of everyone in the world, as nearly all government in the world have some sort of written law that ensure the rights of its citizens, like the Bill of Rights that protect the rights of Americans. Yet, when applying that significance in protecting human rights to people outside of their nation’s border depend considerably on the interests of the government, the interactions between the different nations, and the response concludedRead MoreHuman Rights And The Rights1178 Words  |à ‚ 5 PagesIntroduction: Human rights are a notion long-debated in history. Two of the three main claims of human rights characteristics are universality and inconvertibility. Universality indicates that human rights are applied equally to every individual, no matter their ethnicity, race, gender, sexuality, age, religion, political conviction, or type of government. Inconvertibility means that human rights are absolute and innate. They cannot be removed or denied by any political authority as they are notRead MoreHuman Rights And The Rights1095 Words  | 5 Pagesâ€Å"Human rights†is a fairly modern concept, and it is one that has been getting a great deal of attention here in the early years of the twenty-first century. While opinions differ wildly about what constitutes human rights, most modern world citizens believe that all people should have at least the most basic rights. Human Rights plays a role in everyone’s life, but not everyone realizes it. It’s involved in every com ment you make that includes someone different. Every near discriminatory â€Å"joke†Read MoreHuman Rights And The Rights1292 Words  | 6 Pagesexactly are Human Rights, can they be violated? Many people don’t pay too much attention to this global issue, however the violation of human rights is a tremendous and current problem. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and integrity and should act towards one another. Human Rights will be rights that you have basically in light of the fact that you are a human. In the event that you went around and asked diverse individuals What is Human RightsRead MoreHuman Rights And The Rights883 Words  | 4 PagesHuman Rights In this week, we focused on human rights, and the many different human right violations. Human rights are the rights and laws inherited to every human being despite their gender, social status, nationality, religion, or color. Last week we mentioned a few human right violations and discrimination issues. For instance, in the video A Force More Powerful, part 1 talks about several acts of disobedience provoked by the violation of rights of various members of some ethnic groups. The actRead MoreHuman Rights And The Rights1361 Words  | 6 PagesHuman rights are rights that claim that all human beings no matter what gender, race, religion language and etc., are all equally entitled to our human rights. They are the basic rights and freedoms to which all human beings are entitled to such as civil and political rights, the right to life and liberty, freedom of thought and speech/expression, equality before the law, social, cultural and economic rights, the right to food, the right to work, and the right to education. .All have the right to
Monday, December 16, 2019
Hindi as a Language Free Essays
The constitution of India (Article 343) recognises Hindi as the official language of India. Hindi is also the main language in many states of India such as Haryana, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Uttaranchal/ Uttarakhand, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Chhatisgarh and Himachal Pradesh. It is spoken by more than 437 million people in the world. We will write a custom essay sample on Hindi as a Language or any similar topic only for you Order Now The other dialects of Hindi are Brajbhasha, Bundeli, Awadhi, Marwari, Maithili, Bhojpuri, to name only a few. Hindi can be traced back to as early as the seventh or eighth century. The dialect that has been chosen as the official language is Khariboli in the Devnagari script. Other dialects of Hindi are Brajbhasa, Bundeli, Awadhi, Marwari, Maithili and Bhojpuri. It was in the 10th century that authentic Hindi poetry took its form and since then it has been constantly modified. History of Hindi literature as a whole can be divided into four stages: Adikal (the Early Period), Bhaktikal (the Devotional Period), Ritikal (the Scholastic Period) and Adhunikkal (the Modern Period). Adikal- Adikal starts from the middle of the 10th century to the beginning of the 14th century. The poetry of this period has been divided into three categories Apabhramsha Poetry, Heroic Poetry and Miscellaneous Poetry. Apabhramsha Poetry includes the Siddha literature (750-1200), the Nath literature and the Jain literature. Siddha literature was written in the popular language and this echoed devotional themes combined with a strong erotic feeling. Between the 7th and the 14th century, the poet Gorakhnath and his followers mainly composed the Nath literature. They avoided eroticism, scorned racial discrimination and put stress on moral values, using the Doha (couplet) and the Chaupai (quartet) styles in their poems. These compositions had a great influence on the Sant (devotional literature made popular by Rahim and Kabir et al) literature. During this period Jain poets like Swayambhu, Som Datt Suri, Sharang Dhar and Nalla Singh composed the Charit Kavyas, which propagate moral tenets and portrayals of Nature. Heroic Poetry was composed wholly in the native speech. Bhakti Kal or the Devotional Period : The bhakti kal stretched between the 14th and the 17th century. During this age Islamic customs were heaped upon the common people and the Hindus were quite dejected by this. The poets of this period felt that it was their moral duty to arouse a sense of devotion through religious poetry. These poets have been divided into two groups: Nirguna and Saguna poets, depending upon the devotional attitude towards the Lord. Nirgunas have been further divided into two groups on the basis of different sadhanas (disciplines) followed by them. Those that put emphasis on the importance of knowledge for the realization of God were called the Saint poets. Kabir Das, Guru Nanak, Dharma Das, Maluk Das, Dadudayal, Sunder Das belong to this genre. In their Sakhis (couplets) and Padas (songs) they condemned rituals and laid emphasis on the theory of Monotheism (the belief that there is one God). Poets who believed love was the path of realizing God were called Sufi Poets. Jayasi, Manjhan, Kutuban and Usman were the pioneers of this school. Poets of the Saguna style are also divided into two groups: the followers of Rama and those of Krishna. Tulsi Das is the leading poet of the former group along with Agra Das, Nabha Das and Pran Chand Chauhan. Tulsi Das depicts Rama as the Ideal Man in his classical works Ramacharitamanasa, Gitavali, Kavitavali and Vinay Patrika. The devotees of Krishna have, however, portrayed him according to his popular image, that of the playful Krishna. These poets like Surdas, Nand Das, Parmananda Das and Meera have written about love and beauty. The devotional period created immortal literature and is distinguished as the golden age of Hindi Poetry. Ritikal or the Scholastic period: The poets of Ritikal can be classified into two groups on the basis of their subject: Ritibaddha (those wedded to rhetorics) and Ritimukta (free from rhetorical conventions). The former poets composed on definitional and (Lakshana) and illustrative (Lakshya) themes. The essential nature of Rasa, Alankara, Nayikabheda were illustrated by them through Saviyas and Kavithas. Poets like Chintamani, Keshav, Mati Ram, Deva, Kulpati Misra and Bhikari Das were leaders of this style. The second group consists of free-minded poets like Alam, Ghananand, Bodha and Thakur. They wrote in a spontaneous manner ith feelings of love, quite quite dissilimar to rhetorical poetry. This age saw two more poetic trends. Didactic poetry in stray verses composed by Vrinda, Vaital and Giridhar and Heroic Poetry by Bhushan, Sudan, Lal and various others. Adhunikkal or Modern Period: Modern Hindi literature has been divided into four phases; the age of Bharatendu or the Renaissance (1868-1893), Dwivedi Yug (1893- 1918), Chhayavada Yug (1918-1937) and the Contemporary Period (1937 onwards). Bharatendu Harishchandra (1849-1882) brought in a modern outlook in Hindi literature and is thus called the ‘Father of Modern Hindi Literature’. Mahavir Prasad Dwivedi later took up this vision. Dwivedi was a reformist by nature and he brought in a refined style of writing in Hindi poetry, which later acquired a deeper moral tone. This was the age of revival when the glory and grandeur of ancient Indian culture was fully adopted to enrich modern life. Social, political and economic problems were portrayed in poetry while songs were of social awakening. This trend helped in the emergence of National Cultural Poetry whose leading poets were Makhanlal Chaturvedi, Balkrishna Shama ‘Navin’, Siyaram Gupta and ‘Dinkar’. These poets put more stress on moral aspect of life rather than on love or beauty, which later evolved in the Chhayavada style of poetry. Kamayani is the zenith of this school and Chhayavada was best represented by Prasad, Nirala, Pant and Mahadevi Verma. After the decline of this movement in came the leftist ideology which found voice in two opposite styles of Hindi poetry. One was Progressivism and Prayogavada or later called Nai Kavita. The former was an effort of translating Marx’s philosophy of Social realism into art. The most notable figure of this movement was Sumitranandan Pant. The latter safeguarded artistic freedom and brought in new poetic content and talent to reflect modern insight. The pioneers of this trend were Aggeya, Girija Kumar, Mathur and Dharamvir Bharati. A third style called Personal Lyrics also appeared, aiming at free and spontaneous human expressions with Harivansh Rai Bachchan as the leader of this trend. The history of Hindi poetry, thus, extends over a period of almost one thousand years. The proper development of Hindi prose followed the rise and growth of Khari Boli (colloquial dialect). Pre-Bharatendu writers like Ram Prasad Niranjani, Sadasukh Lal, Insha Allah Khan and Sadal Misra composed proses mainly based on mythological stories. Insha Allah Khan used the typical Khari Boli while others were more influenced by Sanskrit and Braj Bhasha. The development of Hindi prose has been classified into three periods: The first phase (1868-1918), the period of growth (1918-1937) and the present age of excellence (1938 onwards). The First Phase: Prose literature of Bharatendu and Dwivedi era covers the first phase. The writers of this age developed drama, novel, short story, essay and literary criticism. Popular dramatic compositions were done mainly by Bharatendu Harishchandra, Bal Krishna Bhatt and Radha Krishna Das. They inclined more towards satires on contemporary conditions, social and patriotic plays. Eminent prosateurs of this age included Devaki Nandan Khatri (novelist), Chandradhar Sharma (short-story writer), Mahavir Prasad Dwivedi (essayist) and Padma Singh Sharma (critic). The period of growth This is represented by Jayshankar Prasad, Rai Krishna Das and Mahadevi Varma. Drama acquired a distinct place for itself in this period but the theatre did not respond to it. Again, fiction attained new proportions with Premchand as its most outstanding representative. The period of excellence This period came more whole-heartedly after the Independence of India in 1947. Hindi drama of this period laid emphasis on realistic expressions and two new forms evolved like poetic Drama and radio play. Now the theatre also became interested in enacting these plays. ‘Ashka’ Jagdish Chandra Mathur, Mohan Rakesh and Lakshminarayan Lal have acquired distinction amongst modern playwrights. Fiction made a wonderful progress during this period. Realism, psycho-analytical techniques and prose-style was the main ingredient of the plot structure. Modern Hindi fiction found its mentors in Yash Pal, Agyeya and Renu. Essay and literary criticism also developed during this period. Essayists like Hazari Prasad Dwivedi, Mahadevi Varma and Siyaram Sharan Gupta found new ways of expressing themselves through reminiscences, reportage and sketch. The history of Hindi prose is not expansive, as it had started out quite late. However, it has progressed at a rapid pace. How to cite Hindi as a Language, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
All Rise Essay Example For Students
All Rise Essay All RiseJudge Watson scanned his courtroom with an eagle-like glare.The room was packed, Watson could smell the eager reporters outside.Damore versus State of Alabama was the biggest case his Honor had heard in years, God he needed a drink.Judge Watson blinked a long, tired blink, and swallowed hard in a vain attempt to soothe his bone dry throat.The old man called out in a loud voice, prosecution!Billy Parker stood deliberately and strutted to his podium.The DA unbuttoned his two thousand dollar Armenagildo Zenga suit coat, and began.Let me share with you all the sad story of a sweet, defenseless woman named Porphyria.It was a rainy dark night, and Porphyria desperately ached to see her lover.She trekked through the woods, braving the pneumonic weather, to the small cottage owned by one, Mort Damore.Porphyria entered the cottage dripping wet.Carefully she tended to the fire, so her lover wouldnt catch cold.Porphyria laid by Mr. Damore, wanting so badly to act out her love for him.So ftly she whispered his name, but Mr. Damore was busy faking sleep, concealing his murderous plan for now. Sweet Porphyria uttered I love you quietly to her love.Mr. Damore listened to this praise for a short while, but quickly grew impatient-the beast yearned to kill.Mr. Damore debated on which weapon to use. The Colt .45 lay loaded under his bed, but guns are loud!and messy. 2Then Porphyrias creamy, innocent neck and long hair caught Mr. Damores attention. Yes!, he thought, strangulation is much more thrilling than pulling a little old trigger.Brutally Mr. Damore grabbed Porphyria and began to cut off her air supply.Porphyria gasped for air, but moments later the beautiful body was lifeless.However, the abuse did not end with Porphyrias death.Mr. Damore decided the fun had ended too quickly, and maliciously proceeded to sexually abuse the corpse. This, your Honor, is the exact description of the premeditated, heinous murder committed by the defendant, Mort Damore.Mr. Damore waited for his beautiful love to visit, then faked sleep to lure Porphyria into his murderous trap.When the opportunity arose, Mr. Damore strangled Porphyria to death. After the slaughter, there was no guilt or remorse from Damore.God no!In fact, Mr. Damore sexually abused Porphyria, then opened her eyes and laid by the victim throughout the night.This animal is not even fit for a jail cell.Your honor, there is no option but to sentence Mr. Damore to death by electrocution. Judge Watson nodded, and turned to Troy Broussard.Defense!Troy Broussard remained seated, leaned back in his chair, and propped his feet upon the desk. Well well, he said in a high pitched voice, I really must applaud Mr. Parker for his wonderful story. The only problem with it.., is that it is a fictions story.Here is the truth.On that rainy night, Porphyria fled from her husband to visit Mr. 3Damore.In fact, she was downright in a hurry to reach the cottage, she couldnt wait to commit adultery. Barging into Mr. Damores domicile, Porphyria wasted no time in going after what she wanted, purely physical sex.The harlot undressed and tried to wake Mr. Damore, who was frozen with guilt and uncertainty.My client had been trying to dissolve the relationship since he first learned of Porphyrias husband, but the slut would not leave him alone.Porphyria frequently popped into Mr. Damores life to use him, then run back home to her husband.Determined to end the sick relationship that rainy night, Mr. Damore faked sleep so Porphyria might leave.But no, the adulteress persisted.She whispered the usual lies, I will get a divorce, Mort, but now isnt the time.I love you, please trust me.Mr. Damore looked into Porphyrias truth telling eyes, and deceit stared back at him.Mr. Damore debated how to react.His heart raced, he felt cheap and used, he felt hat!e.In a rage Mr. Damore painlessly strangled Porphyria out of love.In a fit of psychotic distress, Mr. Damore kissed Porphyria, a sign of his forgiveness.Then, like a cat who has accidentally killed a playful mouse, Mr. Damore, in total bewilderment, tried to bring her back to life.He laid with her the entire night. .u84ed6ae50e058deef3a111c300bac2eb , .u84ed6ae50e058deef3a111c300bac2eb .postImageUrl , .u84ed6ae50e058deef3a111c300bac2eb .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u84ed6ae50e058deef3a111c300bac2eb , .u84ed6ae50e058deef3a111c300bac2eb:hover , .u84ed6ae50e058deef3a111c300bac2eb:visited , .u84ed6ae50e058deef3a111c300bac2eb:active { border:0!important; } .u84ed6ae50e058deef3a111c300bac2eb .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u84ed6ae50e058deef3a111c300bac2eb { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u84ed6ae50e058deef3a111c300bac2eb:active , .u84ed6ae50e058deef3a111c300bac2eb:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u84ed6ae50e058deef3a111c300bac2eb .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u84ed6ae50e058deef3a111c300bac2eb .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u84ed6ae50e058deef3a111c300bac2eb .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u84ed6ae50e058deef3a111c300bac2eb .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u84ed6ae50e058deef3a111c300bac2eb:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u84ed6ae50e058deef3a111c300bac2eb .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u84ed6ae50e058deef3a111c300bac2eb .u84ed6ae50e058deef3a111c300bac2eb-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u84ed6ae50e058deef3a111c300bac2eb:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Those People EssayMort Damore did not premeditate the murder, it was completely accidental.Induced by the pain of being lied to, used, and cheated on, Mr. Damore slipped into a period of insanity.My clients actions do not warrant the death penalty.Although 4absolutely unjustifiable, Mr. Damores actions are at worst still understandable.I ask you to place yourself in Mr. Damores position, try to imagine the torture.These are the facts of the case, and if there is any justice in the world, Mort Damore will spend the rest of his life in rehabilitation.Thank you. Two hours and forty-three minutes later, the honorable Judge Watson limped out from his chambers and drooped into his massive, black leather chair.The attorneys and Mort quickly rose.Mr. Damore, you strike me as an overly emotional man, probably unstable.Your actions were wrong, you know this, we all know this.However, I sense sincere regret.I dont perceive you as an animal, but as a mentally sick man.You need help, Mr. Damore, not death.For the murder of Porphyria, you have been found guilty, and are sentenced to two life imprisonments to be carried out back to back, without bail. Mort Damore wore a melancholy amazed expression, but laughed to himself as he was cuffed and escorted out of the chaotic courtroom.He wondered to himself, What are the odds of beating the system twice?
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